Friday, January 29, 2016

Hitting the Ground Running

Well, here I am after almost 20 years in the business of computers and more than 20 years in the business of music and I've finally been able to fuse the two and begin a blog.

I think that up to this point, I have really been intimidated by the entire idea of blogging and how it will effect my already overly busy schedule.  But, in recent years, I've also realized that I have amassed a great deal of experience and ideas that can be shared with potentially interested people and more generally with the general public.

So what are some of the subject I hope to cover in this blog?  Or rather, what is its purpose?

1. Create a Main Area of Ideas

As I mentioned above, I have had a long experience with music.  Unfortunately, writing down not to mention cataloging my ideas throughout the years has been all but non-existent.  On the other hand, my company has been in existence since 2001 and I have had this website for many, many years.  So, I'm hoping that I can use this as a "home" for my ideas.  Now, instead of spreading all my ideas all over the web (Facebook, YouTube, etc) where they can get lost in the sea of ideas, I can park them here and know that they will be cared for and archived for the next few decades.

2. Communicate With Followers

With those many years of ministry comes many blessings.  And one of the grandest blessings has been a following of parishioners, clients, and other acquaintances that have enjoyed what my ministry offers.  Another goal of this blog is to hopefully maintain and grow that following by being able to communicate my thoughts to them and answer questions.  And I hope that they can foster a community from within the comments that will fill in where I cannot.

3. Foster Self-Discipline

As I had eluded to earlier, I needed a fire to burn from within in order to start this blog.  I have several other projects that I'd like to get off the ground including a book I'd like to write; so, I'm hoping that managing a blog where I have to be self-disciplined enough to continue writing (and finding subject matter to write about) will allow me to hone my writing skills.

So there you have it, my top 3 reasons for creating this blog.  I know it's not much, but believe me, when I say that it's a great start for a non-blogger like me!

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